How to install ScratchJr onto Android

ScratchJr on Android

ScratchJr is a free, user-friendly coding app for children aged 5-7, featuring a colorful, block-based interface. Designed for easy installation on Android devices, it fosters a safe and engaging coding experience without in-app purchases, ideal for home or school use. This guide details a straightforward process to download and install ScratchJr from the Google Play Store, encouraging young minds to create projects while learning to code.

Teach block based coding with ScratchJr

ScratchJr Opening Screen

ScratchJr embodies the recent educational revolution, offering young children a captivating platform to master coding through playful storytelling and game creation. This free, accessible tool sparks creativity and lays the groundwork for future STEM success.

Focus On the Journey: Why teach coding in class?

Boy Coding in Class

Teaching Computing to young students fosters problem-solving, lifelong learning, and resilience, essential in overcoming today’s shortening attention spans and dependency on instant solutions.